What to Expect With Coaching

Everyone is different when it comes to money, so as a budgeting coach, I customize my coaching to the individual. Personal finance sessions are weekly or biweekly over Zoom, and can last one to six months.

The topics we will cover will be unique to you and your situation but may include:

Money Mindset

Before making changes to your budget and savings plan, we will work together to identify your current money mindset and explore your future savings and spending goals. This gives your coach insight into how to build your plan.  


Whether you’re on your own or budgeting with a partner, we’ll explore your current spending habits and strategize how you can cut expenses to have more money for doing the things you love and investing in your future.

eliminating debt

Throughout our meetings we’ll evaluate your current debt and develop a plan to reduce and eventually eliminate your debt. My judgement free approach will leave you feeling confident about reaching your financial goals. 

investing and saving

From buying a house to saving for retirement, our customized plan will help you reach your goals all while optimizing your income. 


My coaching approach involves bridging gaps in financial knowledge while offering motivational support to help you reach your goals.

The financial system is complex, and financial products are sometimes difficult to understand. I will fill in the gaps, answer questions, and help you to make a plan that works for you.

Coaching Options

1:1 coaching packages 

get started

One month of coaching, 4 weekly 1:1 meetings with Eileen plus email support

ongoing support

Individual feedback meetings–after one month–add individual meetings as needed

Frequently Asked Questions

Will my information be kept safe?

As a financial coach, I know how important privacy is, and part of the plan is to protect your financial information. Information shared will remain private, encrypted, and safe.

What is discussed in the meetings?

During our meetings, we will discuss the Financial Exploration Guide, and your progress towards reaching your financial goals, and review and revise your approach to spending and saving.